Easy way to make a skirt fit

I have this rayon skirt someone I knew didn’t want any more.


It’s too big on me. I like to wear my skirts at my natural waist.


I safety pinned it to fit.


I turned the skirt inside out and pinned it evenly and stitched it down. See how the pins make upside down triangles that end at the waist band?


Now the skirt fits.


Fixing Up an Old Skirt

I’m trying to get Spring Clothes ready before Spring is actually here. I can’t remember the last time I had clothes for the next season just as that season occurred, and I’m not sure if it’s actually something people do. Still, I’m trying to do it this year. I’m going through my fabrics and clothing to see what I can make.


I found this old skirt. It was too small for me, and, at some point, I cut off the waistband to replace with one that does fit. Clearly, I never got around to that, so I’ll do it now. The sharpie is marking  where I want the waistband to be. This skirt should be just above my knees.